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Pensions Scheme Assurance

Experts in audit and advisory services to occupational pension schemes and everything in-between.

Pensions Assurance

Professional auditing & advisory services

We are proud members of PLSA and PRAG and our clients range from Small Self Administered Schemes (SSASs) with only a few members to large Defined Benefit schemes with over £400m of net assets and several thousand members.

Occupational Pension Schemes today are subject to complex and often onerous regulations. Paying contributions on time, meeting legal responsibilities, monitoring investment performance and communicating with members are just some of the key issues faced by trustees running such schemes. Ensuring a scheme is run in an efficient and legal manner can be a very demanding exercise for the trustees and one that usually requires professional advice.

Our service includes:

  • Preparing and auditing annual accounts.
  • Checking that contributions due have been properly paid.
  • Reviewing scheme compliance with current rules and regulations.
  • Providing trustees with relevant training.

Employer Covenant Reviews for Defined Benefit Pension Schemes

Trustees of all occupational pension schemes providing defined benefits are now required to perform regular reviews of the financial strength of the sponsoring employer to ensure that it can meet its obligations to the scheme. These are referred to as Employer Covenant Reviews.

Our highly experienced team of Pensions specialists can assist Trustees throughout the United Kingdom in meeting their obligations. An external Employer Covenant Review provides Trustees with an independent assessment of the financial position of the employer and the risk that it may be unable to meet its obligations to the scheme.

An independent covenant review will be beneficial to the Trustees in their negotiations with the employer by providing guidance on what the employer can afford to pay and over what timescale. It will also assist the Trustees in considering whether steps should be taken to reduce the level of the risk-based Pension Protection Fund levy.

We are able to provide Trustees with a range of specialist support services including:

  • Desktop review, based on publicly available information.
  • Detailed review, involving the review of confidential company management information.
  • Assisting with the trustees’ ongoing monitoring of the covenant.
  • Review of proposed transactions eg company merger or other corporate transactions.
  • Assistance with the negotiation of a recovery plan.

Other specialist teams


Our strong, well-established, dedicated academies audit team comprise over 30 specialist sector staff, including two partners and nine audit managers, located throughout our five offices. The Academies accounts team can support you with your annual compliance, tax, and advisory services needs.

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Charities & Not-For-Profit

Our team has a wealth of specific expertise and experience in providing auditing, accounting, business and tax advisory services to charities and not-for-profit organisations.

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Landed Estates & Agriculture

From small family farms to large landed estates, we provide taxation, accounting and business advice which is built on our highly personalised service.

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Manufacturing & Industrials

Our specialist manufacturing, metals & engineering team has significant industry knowledge and experience.

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Our wealth of expertise and experience allows us to provide excellent advisory, accounting and tax planning services to the healthcare industry.

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BHP has extensive experience advising clients in the property and construction sector, including property investors, developers, builders and contractors.

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Industry news & insights

ABI seeks to simplify pension language for customers

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A new pensions language guide has been launched by the Association of British Insurers (ABI) to help reduce the level of jargon that may be impacting an individual’s ability to make the best decision regarding their pension pots. 

The guide aims to make pensions terminology simple and consistent in order to help people better understand their retirement options.

Research on current terminology by Money Advice Service and ComRes found:

  • ‘flexi-access’ drawdown and ‘uncrystallised’ pension funds are confusing terms and should be removed
  • terms ‘taking cash’ or ‘chunks’ are seen as informal
  • tax and fees should be outlined upfront
  • people want pensions language to help improve their financial management by encouraging them to take responsibility.

Known as the ‘Making Retirement Choices Clear’ guide, ABI has proposed retirement options to be explained as:

  • keeping pension savings where they are
  • taking your whole pension pot in one go
  • taking your pension pot as a number of lump sums
  • flexible retirement income
  • guaranteed income for life
  • choosing more than one option and mixing them.

ABI Director of Policy, Long Term Savings and Protection, Dr Yvonne Braun, said:

“This guide to making retirement choices clear could make a real difference by helping people to better understand their options. But we need the wider sector to contribute to the consultation and implement the guide so that simple language can be used consistently across the whole market and by all those talking to people about their retirement income options.”

Talk to us today to discuss retirement planning.

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