Reading Time | < 1 min 9th January 2024

Calling all 31 March 2023 charity year ends!

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Don’t forget 31 January 2024 is the deadline for submitting your Annual Return and Annual Accounts to the Charity Commission.

After many initially reported teething problems, I am pleased to say, as a trustee, I managed to set up a new My Charity Commission account with no issues last week. The charity’s primary contact was able to register their account and request an account for me quite easily following the online guidance.

The guidance can be found here.

The new style Annual Return includes a range of new questions for which, depending on your role, you may require additional time to source the answers. The return can be saved and exited after each stage if you stumble across a question you are unsure of.

Alternatively, in order to collate all answers before starting the return, a list of all the questions can be found here.

Don’t hesitate to file – complete this as soon as possible to avoid any potential last minute problems.

I wish you a smooth process! If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch with your usual BHP contact or call 0333 123 7171.