Reading Time | < 1 min 12th March 2012

Businesses offered training support

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The government has launched a new service that gives firms access to free advice and support on training.

As part of the government’s Solutions for Business initiative, the Train to Gain skills service has come together with Business Link to provide a comprehensive information and brokerage service.

Under the new system, employers will be offered free, impartial advice to help them develop more skilled and qualified workforces.

Employers can talk to a local broker who will explain where courses are on offer, direct them to suitable local training providers and explain how to access funding.

The number to call is 0845 600 9006.

Lord Young, the Skills and Apprenticeships Minister, said: “We are committed to providing real help for businesses to help them weather the downturn, and prepare for the upturn.

“By using the service, businesses of all sizes can receive free, impartial advice on how they can develop a more highly skilled and qualified workforce so that they’re in a strong position to take advantage of the upturn, when it comes.”