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Business Strategy and Planning

Business success is dependent on several key factors; people, market opportunity and an effective business strategy. Here at BHP we will advise and actively support this approach.

Business Strategy and Planning

How it all works

We help you to ensure your team is aligned with the key elements outlined above, that you regularly review your performance against your goals, and that you continue to work ‘on’ the business.

This covers areas such as medium term planning, the opportunities that technology presents, developing your product or service to meet the evolving needs of your customers.

From our experience, an effective business strategy focuses on a few key elements, some of which are:

Where are we now?

  • What is our customer proposition?
  • Do we meet the needs of our customers?
  • Is our sales strategy effective?

Where do we want to be?

  • Define the key business targets for your growth and succession too.
  • Develop products or services that meet the needs of our customers.
  • Ensuring we have an effective sales process that focusses on customer retention, customer acquisition and maintaining business profitability.

How do we get there?

  • Understanding the gap between where we are now and where we want to be.
  • Building a step plan to bridge the gap. This may include new products, services, routes to markets, additional training, new employees/team members.

For more information, give us a call on 0333 123 7171.

Introducing the team that makes it all possible

Industry news & insights

Businesses falling behind on digital technology adoption

A ‘digital divide’ is opening up between the 55% of businesses that are adopting digital technologies and the 45% who are falling behind, according to research by Confederation of British Industry (CBI) and IBM.

Firms cited connectivity challenges and security concerns as barriers to adopting digital technologies in the workplace. 42% reported a lack of appropriate skills inside their business, while 33% were unclear on how they could make a return from digital investment.

Research also found:

  • 94% of the companies surveyed believe digital technology can improve business landscape, drive productivity, growth and job creation
  • 73% believe it can improve customer satisfaction and experience
  • 28% of “pioneer” firms have already invested in advance technologies over the past year
  • only 9% have adopted digital strategy, with 16% planning to do so in the next year.

Carolyn Fairbairn, CBI director general, said: 

“It’s vital that businesses in all sectors – from manufacturing to retail – truly understand digital technology’s potential, from the boardroom to the shop or factory floor. Giving digital a human face by appointing a chief technology officer will help businesses build the long-term digital strategies that will be critical to their futures.”

David Stokes, chief executive of IBM UK and Ireland, added:

“Digital offers not only the opportunity for much needed productivity gains alongside a new canvas upon which organisations can innovate to drive new levels of growth.”

Talk to us today to discuss investing in your business.

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