Reading Time | < 1 min 12th March 2012

Tax credits date approaches

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People receiving tax credits are being reminded that the date for renewing their claims is looming.

The cut-off point for renewing claims is 31 July, HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) has said.

Those claiming should check the information in the renewals pack they have been sent, and let HMRC know if their circumstances have changed. Changes may include working hours, childcare costs or pay.

Claimants must also provide details of their previous year’s income, so that HMRC can make sure they are receiving all the tax credits to which they are entitled.

In order to complete the forms, people will need such information as childcare details and, if they’re employed, payslips and end-of-year P60 forms.

Once they have renewed their claims, people must take care to tell HMRC about any further changes in their circumstances as soon as they happen.

Richard Summersgill, HMRC’s director of benefits and credits, said: “It’s important that anyone currently claiming tax credits renews their claim by 31 July, or their money could stop. Don’t leave it to the last minute – renew now and avoid a last-minute rush.”