Reading Time | 2 mins 7th October 2024

Meet the team: Hannah Dilks

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Hannah Dilks is part of our specialist Healthcare team in Chesterfield. She joined BHP 8 years ago through our apprenticeship scheme and is now a Manager. Read on to find out what she enjoys most about her role at BHP and a bit more about her life outside of work.

What does your day-to-day role involve?

In the Healthcare department I work on a variety of different things each day, from preparing partnership and Primary Care Network accounts, to completing individuals’ tax returns. I also spend a lot of time training the team, both on the job and preparing training sessions.

What do you enjoy most about working in Healthcare?

The variety of work we do. It is rare that each day is the same. I also enjoy the relationships we develop with the clients we work with over the years. Some of the clients I now have on my portfolio I have worked on since I started at BHP, so they have seen me progress and develop in my role.

What is the achievement you are post proud of?

I am very proud of getting my ACCA qualification. I cannot say I miss working alongside revision!

What advice would you give to trainees starting out?

There is no such thing as a stupid question. I cannot stress enough the importance of asking for help if you are struggling with work. Everyone has been in the same position as you at some point in time. It’s always better to ask for help than to sit struggling!

Can you play any instruments?

I would be a bit rusty these days, but I played piano up to Grade 5 when I was in school.

What is your favourite food?

Thai cuisine is my favourite, I even used to work in a Thai restaurant when I was in Sixth Form. I enjoy trying all different kinds of Thai food but always stray back to the Red Thai Curry.

What are three things on your bucket list?

I would absolutely love to travel around Thailand, sampling the different street foods and exploring the different cities. Also, seeing the Northern Lights in Iceland and going on a helicopter ride over New York City.

What is your favourite time of year?

Summer is definitely my favourite time of year. I love being able to sit and eat outside, go to pub gardens after work, and there is always some sort of activity at the weekend through the summer – lots of festivals and gigs to enjoy.

What is your favourite genre of film, and your top three films?

I love a good rom-com, much to my boyfriend’s disgust! Three stand-out favourites are Notting Hill, Three Weddings and a Funeral and Pretty Woman (seeing a slight Julia Roberts theme).

Which physical activity do you enjoy the most, and why?

I love going for long walks at the weekend with my dog, Bella. She always manages to make walks more entertaining, fighting with any stick she can find. And I find getting some fresh air is great after spending the week in the office.