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HMRC warns of VAT bank details fraud

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When a business wishes to update its VAT details with HMRC, it has the option to do this using paper form VAT 484 or its online account. The changes that can be made include amending contact details, VAT return periods, and bank details.

HMRC has alerted that fraudulent attempts have been made to amend business bank details using the VAT 484 form to access businesses’ VAT repayments. To tackle this issue, HMRC is reaching out to businesses to verify any changes made to their details since January 2024.

What should you do?

We would advise everyone, even those business who do not receive VAT repayments from HMRC, to:

  • Ensure your VAT registration details are correct via your Government Gateway account. This will ensure that. if any changes are made to your VAT details. the correspondence issued will go to the correct business address.
  • If, having reviewed your VAT account, you identify that the details are incorrect, you should update them immediately.
  • Ensure any changes that you make to your account are done via your Government Gateway account and that you do not use the VAT 484 form.
  • Check that your details on your Government Gateway account are correct prior to submitting any requests for repayments or making any VAT repayment returns.
  • Change your password frequently.

If you need any further guidance, please get in touch with our specialist VAT team or your usual BHP contact.