Reading Time | 2 mins 14th December 2022

BHP CSR roundup 2022

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We’ve had an exceptional year of fundraising and community activities, with our people raising more than £30,000 for charity since April. Here’s a brief summary of our achievements in 2022.

Firmwide events

In the Spring, 58 members of our team raised a tremendous £20,677 after completing the BHP Yorkshire Three Peaks Challenge and smashing our £15,000 target.

In June, we celebrated BHP Fest, where the whole firm got together for an afternoon at the funfair. Party games organised by the CSR team succeeded in generating almost £500 for Cavendish Cancer Care and Martin House Children’s Hospice in Leeds.

We also sponsored the York 10k for the third time and our team of 26 runners won the BHP York 10K Corporate Challenge, run in conjunction with Jane Tomlinson’s Run for All.

In September, we celebrated Macmillan Cancer Support’s World Biggest Coffee Morning and raised nearly £750 by holding baking competitions and cake sales across all of our offices. Most recently, the whole firm got into the festive spirit and supported Christmas Jumper Day, raising a fantastic £300 for Save the Children.


At BHP, we’re proud to offer a variety of volunteering opportunities and, this summer, our people opted to take part in two organised events; the first at Rothwell Country Park in Leeds, where a team cleared Himalayan Balsam from the woods, and the second in Scarborough, where volunteers completed a beach clean and filled 20 bags with rubbish – equating to 115kg of litter.

This year, we’ve also donated to foodbanks and hospitals across Yorkshire and North Derbyshire.

And we’re now a proud member of Business in the Community (BITC), the largest and longest established membership organisation dedicated to responsible business, now in its 40th anniversary year. This will help us to drive and inspire action in our communities and achieve greater social and environmental impact.

Individual efforts

There have been some terrific fundraising accomplishments this year by individuals right across the firm. Highlights include:

  • Don Gray raised £2,200 for PAPYRUS Prevention of Young Suicide, by completing a 170-mile coast to coast bike ride from Morecambe to Bridlington.
  • Tim Clasper raised £1,020 for MIND after successfully reaching the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro, Africa’s highest mountain.
  • Phil McMahon raised £1,312 for Yorkshire Cancer Research following his achievements in finishing an Ironman Triathlon in Italy.
  • Tom Bell raised £1,589 for Motor Neurone Disease Association and Will Sykes raised £1,400 for Children with Cancer UK, after both completing the London Marathon.

A huge congratulations to you all!

If you’d like to find out more about our CSR activities, follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter. Or you can visit: Our Culture – BHP, Chartered Accountants