Private Client Agreement

Please see online version below.

Terms & Declaration

Service Propositions

Premier Private Client

Designed for clients seeking active and ongoing support to help keep them on track to achieve their lifetime financial goals. This service includes a regular update of your lifetime cashflow forecast.

Investment Only

Aimed at clients who require access to a service which focuses purely on their investment needs and objectives at the time they originally seek advice.


Intended for clients who require advice on a specific matter at a specific point in time. We reserve the right to only agree to work with you on this basis for certain types of business.


Most of us want to protect the things that are important to us, our family, business, and quality of life.

Protection planning can help to provide peace of mind in the event of your income changing due to unexpected events.

We can help you plan for the best way to protect you, your family, or your business.

Lifetime Cashflow Forecast

A lifetime cashflow is completely personal to you, it can provide a review of your current financial situation, bringing confidence, clarity, and peace of mind when it comes to your goals and your ability to achieve them. The plan will show your best, and worst-case scenarios.

A couple of questions it can help with:
- Will I run out of money?
- How much is enough?

How we work with you

We follow a collaborative process that we’ve developed over many years.

Here’s how it works:

Discovery Meeting

Information Gathering & Goal Setting

Research, Analysis & Recommendations


Ongoing Relationship

Terms & Conditions






6. FINANCIAL FORESCASTING – what you need to know

Declaration & Consent

Terms & Declaration Form

From time to time, we may wish to contact you when we feel that a service or product may be of interest to you. To do this, we require your consent by agreeing to one or all the options detailed.

I am/we are happy to be contacted using the methods ticked below

How many clients are filling out this form?
Client 1
Client 2

Please note that you may withdraw this consent at any time by notifying us at our main business address.

The Client Agreement will come into effect from the date I/we accept this agreement. This will be the date given in the ‘date of signature’ box below unless I/we state otherwise.

I/we understand that these terms of business will be governed by English law and any disputes will be dealt with by the English courts (unless I live in Scotland when the courts of Scotland will deal with any disputes).

Client 1
Client 2

Consent - Sensitive Personal Data

We will need to ask some clients for information that is classified as “special category data” such as medical details or information about your health. To comply with the General Data Protection Regulation, we need your express consent to process such data.

We take steps to ensure we only ask for this information where it is absolutely necessary to enable us to provide our services to you, and we will explain the reasons why we ask for this information when we do.

We may also engage the services of third-party providers of professional services to enhance the service we provide to you. These parties may also need to process your personal data in the performance of their contract with us.

I/we consent to the processing of sensitive personal data as far as it is necessary for the services I/we require from BHP Financial Planning Limited.

I/we authorise you to transfer information (as described above) on a confidential basis, when justified, between the organisations involved in the work I/we have contracted BHP Financial Planning Limited to carry out.

Client 1
Client 2

If you are at all unsure about providing us with any information at any time, please speak with your Adviser. Please note that you may withdraw this consent at any time by notifying us at our main business address.

We have an obligation in the financial world to look after all our clients and ensure they are making the best decisions, resulting in the best possible outcome for their circumstances. With this in mind, please answer the questions below to the best of your ability.

Client 1

Does anyone currently assist you in managing your finances or help you make financial decisions?

Have you experienced any of the following in the past 12 months?

Health changes/ongoing problems such as physical disability including visual or hearing?

Life Events such as the loss of a family member or close friend?

Do you have any concerns around your ability to understand or manage financial matters?

Client 2

Does anyone currently assist you in managing your finances or help you make financial decisions?

Have you experienced any of the following in the past 12 months?

Health changes/ongoing problems such as physical disability including visual or hearing?

Life Events such as the loss of a family member or close friend?

Do you have any concerns around your ability to understand or manage financial matters?

Client 1 Signature
Client 2 Signature